Director's Message
In these challenging times, marked by a constantly shifting political landscape, it is more important than ever that we come together and support one another. Our comunidad at El Centro, stands united in the belief that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their identities, life experiences, or immigration status. Our collective strength lies in embracing our differences and fostering an environment where ALL individuals feel valued and supported. The ongoing challenges with immigration affect us all, regardless of our immigration status or privilege, we are all interconnected as is evidenced by the fact that we ALL have family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors who are deeply impacted. At the heart of El Centro’s mission is the commitment to promote a safe and enriching space for all members of our campus community, where students are empowered to pursue their educational goals and navigate their life journeys with confidence and pride. Juntos, we can create a culture of inclusion, compassion, and respect that uplifts everyone and fosters positive growth. We can all do our part by staying informed about our rights, responsibilities, and resources, as well as extending a hand of friendship and allyship. Remember, El Centro is here to be a home away from home and we stand by our unwavering commitment to the holistic well-being of students. We prioritize student advocacy, offering exceptional programs and services while educating the broader campus community about the diverse issues affecting Raza students at UNM.
Join us in this vital mission. Stand with El Centro de la Raza today!
Thank you for helping us empower the future of our students and community!
Most sincerely,
Rosa Isela Cervantes
El Centro de la Raza, Director