Application Checklist

Deadline for completed applications to be received is:
Sunday, September 1, 2024

We encourage you to take time and care in completing this application. Make sure that all information provides us with the best representation of your interests and goals. All application materials must be complete to submit your application. The required attachments are:

  • Completed & Signed Application Cover Sheet
  • Academic Needs Self-Assessment
  • Academic & Professional Bio
    • 300 words maximum
    • Please address the following in your Academic and Professional Bio:
      1. Brief description of your scholarly and professional accomplishments-Research Projects, Academic Field(s) of Studies, Professional Area(s) of Specialization; and
      2. Personal History as it relates to your current field of study —relevant aspects of cultural heritage, family background or life experiences that inspired or inform your scholarship focus and research topics.
  • Research Statement
    • 300 words maximum
    • Please address the following in your research statement:
      1. Brief description of your current scholarly work, field of inquiry, and research.
      2. The relevance of your graduate research/professional degree course of study goals as these contribute to issues advocacy, service, or scholarship pertaining to the advancement of Hispano, Native American, or other communities historically disenfranchised or otherwise oppressed due to specific circumstances or needs.
      3. Any specific ways in which your academic or professional career goals will contribute to the increased diversity, equity, and inclusion within your field.
  • One Professional Letter of Support
    • The recommender must address the following:
      1. Describe the student’s ability to complete their degree, significance of their academic work/professional expertise and its relevance to the program’s criteria.
      2. Please comment and provide examples of: the student’s determination, commitment, maturity, and capability.

Recommenders must submit letter directly to:
Cinthia León Lazcano, Program Coordinator:
Letter must be received by Sunday, September 1, 2024.