Rosa Isela Cervantes
Director and Special Advisor to the President on Latino Affairs

Rosa Isela Cervantes received her Master’s Degree in Family Studies and her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Spanish from the University of New Mexico. She is a Nuevo Mexicana, born in Las Vegas, NM raised in Mexico City and Algodones, NM and found her passion at UNM. She is a strong advocate for students who has worked in education for 20+ years. Currently, she serves as Director for El Centro de la Raza, devoted to the empowerment, transformation and development of underrepresented, migrant and Latina/o students at the University of New Mexico. Over the years, Rosa has served in various leadership positions in local, state and national associations. Additionally, she is the Special Advisor to the President on Latina/o Affairs and serves as Principal Investigator for the High School Equivalency Program and the College Assistance Migrant Program serving students from migrant and seasonal farm-working backgrounds as well as the Violence Against Women Act Campus Grant working to support victims of and prevent sexual assault, stalking and domestic partner violence across campus.