La Cultura Cura

Dicen que la cultura cura, ¿sera cierto? For us, culture is something very profound. Culture represents those hidden dimensions that encloses the meaning of who we are, how culturally diverse we are, and how we come to understand the world we know and how to connect with it. If culture is like our collective memory, deep and profound, then I am sure that culture can become part of our collective healing as well. Culture is like the nectar that comes from the maguey plant, the agua miel that refreshes our inner being, that nurtures our spirit and connects us to the natural world. If indeed, la cultura cura, then let's rejoice ourselves and use the spaces our ancestors created for us to come together to embrace who we are and to HEAL through danza, ceremonies, talks, special gatherings, and hard-core scientific thinking.

Cultura Cura

El Centro Dia De Los Muertos


Dia De Los Muertos Study Abroad


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