Mechanical Engineering
Omar Aragonez
Mechanical Engineering
Cherish the time you spend in college and always take time to appreciate the beauty of life.
Organizational behavior and HR
Ailyn Arroyos
Organizational behavior and HR
Masters of Architecture
Estevan Silviano Atencio
Masters of Architecture
Want to thank god for blessing me with the life I have. Blessed to have had the support group I have had along the way as well as the life long friendships that have been made. Thank you mom and dad for all the sacrifices you have made to make this dream of mine become a reality. Without you two I wouldn’t be in the position I am today. Thank you!!!
Master of Health Administration
Hunter Charles Atwood
Master of Health Administration
We made it!
Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Strategic Management and Policy
Natalie Jasmine Avitia
Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Strategic Management and Policy
Quiero agradecer a mi familia, amistades, y profesores por todo su apoyo durante estos años. En especial mis padres, Federico y Beatriz Avitia por su inspiración y amor incondicional. Este logro no hubiera sido posible sin ustedes. ¡Mami y Papi, los quiero mucho!
Estudios Latinoamericanos - Derechos Humanos y Negocios Internacionales (MALAS/MBA dual degree)
Dominic Jose Baca
Estudios Latinoamericanos - Derechos Humanos y Negocios Internacionales (MALAS/MBA dual degree)
Gracias a todos que me han dado la fuerza para seguir en esta aventura.
Topazio Barron
We are in the new age where change is the only constant. I encourage you to embrace it, to be inspired to push the boundaries, innovate and find your own unique ways to set the norms.
Master of Science in Law
Sandra Araceli Bello
Master of Science in Law
Nothing is impossible. I work hard because I dream big. If you need to cry along the way, do it until you can't anymore, that will give you the strength to continue firing. Mental health is natural, don't deny it. I'm suicide survival.
Elementary Education
Athena Claire Burch
Elementary Education
Electrical Engineering
Jorge Iván Canales Verdial
Electrical Engineering
"Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth." (Archimedes’ Lever Law) Engineers have made significant advancements that have enhanced civilization. Technological developments by professional engineers, in effect, moved the Earth by solving real-world problems through a solid foundation of critical thinking skills and fundamentals applied in creative, judicious, and pragmatic ways. Today I become that engineer!
Spanish/Hispanic Southwest Studies
Nubia Ceniceros
Spanish/Hispanic Southwest Studies
I would like to thank God and my family for their endless love and support. Los quiero mucho.
Master of Business Administration / Entrepreneurship
Priscilla Chacon-Martinez
Master of Business Administration/Entrepreneurship
Para mi madre que llegó sin nada pero me lo dio todo. Gracias por enseñarme que en esta vida todo se puede. Breaking generational curses one degree at a time.
Master of Public Administration
Alissa Marie Chavez
Master of Public Administration
Being a student at UNM has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have learned so much from my professors and peers. Thank you to my family, my mom and God. This would not have been possible without you, this tassel belongs to you. Thank you UNM for making the last few years some of the best, I will always be a proud to be a Lobo! Congratulations Class of 2022!
Masters of Healthcare Administration-School of Public Adminstration; Concentration in Cultural Humility
Margarita Aurora Chavez-Sanchez
Masters of Healthcare Administration-School of Public Adminstration; Concentration in Cultural Humility
Grateful to have completed the Masters of Healthcare Administration at UNM and gain stills to better serve my community. This program has afforded me with the knowledge to expand my professional capacity and enhance my daily efforts to serve the most vulnerable and marginalized in Bernalillo County. ¡Adelante con Salud!
Political Science
Yoselin Cordova Ortez
Political Science
American Literature & Poetry
Alyssa Marie Palacio Covarrubias-Powell
American Literature & Poetry
Educational Psychology
Liana Monae Croley
Educational Psychology
This year when I graduate, I will be the first person in my family with a Master's Degree. This is such a huge accomplishment not only for myself but for my family. The ability to pave the way for future familial generations to see that college is an equal opportunity for all in our family is an amazing feeling. I want our class to know that we are all breaking barriers and showing our families how much we can do. I owe it to my grandparents and their brave ambition to be here today. As I graduate with my Master of Arts in Educational Psychology, I know that I can continue to inspire and support the next generations in New Mexico.
General Physical Education Masters/Exercise Science/Sport Administration
Bryan N Cutler
General Physical Education Masters/Exercise Science/Sport Administration
Great job everyone, keep up the great work.
Fatima Esmirna Del Angel Guevara
Mechanical Engineering
Erica Miquella Diaz
Mechanical Engineering
I would like to thank my family and friends for all of their support throughout my journey!
MA in Portuguese and Spanish
Jessica Luana Bueno Dos Santos
MA in Portuguese and Spanish
Juris Doctorate
Denisse Enriquez
Juris Doctorate
¡Gracias a mis hijas y esposo por todo! Espero que las raíces de nuestra comunidad se fortalezcan con los que se gradúan.
Master of Arts in Special Education
Alicia Maria Fajardo
Master of Arts in Special Education
I would like to thank my mom and dad for supporting me through this journey!
Masters of Accounting, focus in Information Assurance
Gabriella Aurora Fernandez Ramirez
Masters of Accounting, focus in Information Assurance
Some dream it, some try, but only a few achieve. You worked hard, and you went the extra mile. You had a dream, and you gave it your all. It’s now your time to say I DID IT!
Maria del Pilar File-Muriel
I would like to thank El Centro, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Anthropology department, the Latin American and Iberian Institute, and The Alfonso Ortiz Center for supporting my education. I am in great debt to all the peace activists in Colombia who participated in my research project and who taught me how to build a more inclusive and compassionate world through non-violence. I dedicate this achievement to them and to my beloved family in Colombia and Illinois. Finally, I would like to thank my devoted life partner, Richard, for always believing in me and for your unwavering love.
Rhetoric and Writing
Melisa N Garcia
Rhetoric and Writing
As a first-gen Central American Latina I want to remind all brown and black folx that anything is possible! Always remain faithful and strive for that dream and take risks.
Speech Language Pathology
Rikki Danielle Giron
Speech Language Pathology
¡Lo hice! Fue un sacrificio que valió la pena y le dedico este título a mi papa, te quiero.
Chicana & Chicano Studies
Howard E Griego
Chicana & Chicano Studies
Glad we are all together on this journey
Chicana and Chicano Studies
Diahndra Grill
Chicana and Chicano Studies
Adrian Gutierrez
I finally made it! Congratulations graduating class of 2022!
Masters of Accounting
Neida Gutierrez
Masters of Accounting
Elementary Education
Erick Fernando Hernandez
Elementary Education
Agradezco a mis padres, quienes hicieron el máximo sacrificio para venir a los Estados Unidos. Agradezco a los ancestros cuya fuerza sigue viva. ¡Sí, podemos y sí lo haremos!
Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Instructional Design
Melissa Herrera
Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Instructional Design
Do everything with ganas!
Chicano and Chicana Studies
Lucy Janet Honorato
Chicano and Chicana Studies
Master of Business Administration
David Francisco Ibarra Dávila
Master of Business Administration
Glory to our defenders. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes.
American Studies
Maya Isabel Lazzaro
American Studies
I have to thank my mother, my father, my best friend and partner, and my ancestors for encouraging and supporting me to continue my studies.
Biomedical Engineering
Gabriela Elysia Lucero
Biomedical Engineering
Master of Accounting
Andrea Kayla Martinez
Master of Accounting
Master of Business Administration
Gerardo Martinez Luna
Master of Business Administration
Gracias a mi esposa, mis nenas, mis padres, mi familia y mi comunidad. Yo no estoy aqui para ver si puedo, porque puedo estoy aqui
Global and National Security
Gabriela Elise Martinez Moreno
Global and National Security
Thank you to my family and friends for their unconditional love and to my professors for their continued support and guidance throughout my program.
Oscar Adrian Mendez
Remember to connect with others you never know if they could be a good reference for a job offer or study opportunity. They could be your next coworker, manager or friend in a conflict. Having good relationships with family, friends and coworkers is essential. Unemployment, debt and sickness can hit you like a truck, especially if you not have at least someone to talk to. Someone else does not have to solve your problems for you, but at least you can share some of your troubles with someone else.
Executive MBA
Julianne Elizabeth Montaño
Executive MBA
Family and Child Studies
Esmeralda Montes
Family and Child Studies
Learning about how to serve families in New Mexico has been an honor and something I hope to implement as I continue with my studies.
MFA (not MA) in Creative Writing
Mario Montoya
MFA (not MA) in Creative Writing
Master of Public Administration
Matthew John Montoya
Master of Public Administration
Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
Joseph Abel Jacob Moreno
Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
Congratulations to all 2022 graduates! I especially want to thank my mom and dad, Benny and Cordy Moreno for their love and support. This Ph.D. is dedicated to my family, especially my Aunty Bea and grandparents.
Master of Business Administration
Daniel R Noriega-Lucero
Master of Business Administration
Music Theory & Composition
Jose Eduardo Orea Dominguez
Music Theory & Composition
“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” -L. Bernstein.
General Business Administration
Ever Guadalupe Orozco Perea
General Business Administration
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the support I've garnered from my wonderful friends and family!
Secondary Education with a focus on Reflective Practice
Lurdes Guadalupe Ortiz
Secondary Education with a focus on Reflective Practice
Gracias a Dios, mi familia, y mis antepasados por este logro. Sí se pudo! Congratulations to the class of 2022!
Management Information Systems
Frances Phillips
Management Information Systems
Jenny Quinones
Love and thank you to my husband and son and to Marcial Martinez and Prof. Anthony Cardenas, Prof. Reeves, Prof. Moretta, Tim Gutierrez and UNM CEOP.
Global and National Security
Alicia Christina Reed
Global and National Security
Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game
Alma Reyes
Pudiste, Puedes, y Podrás
General Management
Daniella Rodriguez
General Management
Master of Business Administration
Iris Mirella Ruiz
Master of Business Administration
We did it!!!!
U.S. Southwest Borderlands History
Moises Santos
U.S. Southwest Borderlands History
Congratulations to all the graduates and their families.
Astrid Joseline Segovia
Orgullosa hija de familia inmigrante Mexicana y Estadounidense. Nieta de abuelos y abuelas trabajadores y de un bracero incansable. Le dedico mi título a mi familia en agradecimiento por su eterno apoyo, amor y esfuerzos. Por ustedes y para ustedes.
Chicana and Chicano Studies
Chantel Marie Trujillo
Chicana and Chicano Studies
This is for you, grandma. Congratulations, class of 2022!
Masters of Architecture with a concentration of Historic Preservation + Regionalism
Marisa S Trujillo
Masters of Architecture with a concentration of Historic Preservation + Regionalism
Chicana Chicano Studies
Tatyana Trujillo
Chicana Chicano Studies
My journey has just begun. My experience through CCS has molded and shaped me into a strong Chicana that can take on anything. Si se Puede!
Civil Engineering/ Construction and Hydraulic Engineering
Veronica Noemi Varela-Adame
Civil Engineering/ Construction and Hydraulic Engineering
Les agradezco a mis padres por la vida, con sacrificios adelante nos sacaron
Lesly Karina Vega
I would like to thank my parents, Alberto and María, for their unconditional support and countless sacrifices that have opened many doors for me to grow and succeed. I hope to make you as proud as you make me. I also want to thank my siblings for always believing in me and my amazing boyfriend, Jaime, for always listening, supporting and encouraging me. Without you, this would not be possible. We did it!
Hispanic Literature
Nohely Villalba-Martinez
Hispanic Literature
“Y así, del poco dormir y del mucho leer......" nos graduamos
Special Education
Lenell Denise Walton
Special Education
Ithuteng - Never stop learning (In South African)