Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Alma Laura Aguilar
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
I am proud to complete this life goal and be an example to my 18 and 15 year old children.

Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)

Shaikh Ahmad
Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)
It’s been a privilege to be a part of El Centro. The center is Awesome!

Global and National Security (P.M.S.)

Alexya Nicole Álvarez
Global and National Security (P.M.S.)
Pude, puedo y podré. This one's for you, grandma.

Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)

Marc Jason Anaya
Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)
I want to thank my family and friends for their love and support through this journey!

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Gladys Karime Andazola-Rivera
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
As a proud Latina, I faced many challenges, including having to return to Mexico during my undergrad

Latin American Studies (M.A.)

Pablo Alonso Arias-Benavides
Latin American Studies (M.A.)
Pablo is a broadly trained cultural anthropologist, geographer, and critical theorist.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (GCERT)

Jose Miguel Ayala Salas
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (GCERT)
Arrasamos las selvas, las selvas verdaderas, e implantamos selvas anonimas de cemento.

Special Education (M.A.)

Crystal Monique Baca
Special Education (M.A.)
Today I graduate with my son, I couldn't have accomplished all I have without God and my family.

Counseling (M.A.)

Brian Richard Baldonado
Counseling (M.A.)
Gracias a mi familia, amigos e instructores

Education (M.A.)

Lorena Barrera
Education (M.A.)
Todo lo que parece imposible con esfuerzo y dedicación un día se vuelve realidad.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Public Policy (M.P.P.)

Andrea Francesca Benites
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Public Policy (M.P.P.)
Vamos PERÚ! Sí se puede!

Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

Xochitl Benitez
Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Este logro no hubiera sido posible sin mi mejor amiga, mi mama!

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Joseph Leonard Candelaria
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life

Sociology (Ph.D.)

Florence Emilia Castillo
Sociology (Ph.D.)
Todo lo que somos y hemos logrado es debido a la resistencia de nuestras comunidades y antepasados.

Counseling (M.A.)

Jazmin Mariah Castillo
Counseling (M.A.)

Education (M.A.)

Jose Eduardo Cervantes
Education (M.A.)
I'd like to thank God for his abundance and my family especially my wife and kids for their support.

Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)

Jerome Jacob Chávez
Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)
Thank you to my family and friends for being beside me in this journey and toward the next one.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Dante Chavez Trujillo
Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Project Management (M.S.)

María Cisneros
Project Management (M.S.)
Coming to study to US has been probably the best decision of my life, and El Centro is part of that.

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Salvador Colmenero
Architecture (M.Arch.)

Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (Ph.D.)

Magdalena Vázquez Dathe
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (Ph.D.)

Engineering (Ph.D.)

Jorge Alberto Diaz Cruz
Engineering (Ph.D.)

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Patrisia Enriquez Najera
Nursing (M.S.N.)
Quisiera dar las gracias a mis padres y hermanos por todo su apoyo estos anos. SI SE PUEDE!

Chemical Engineering (M.S.)

Shirley Mildreth Galaviz
Chemical Engineering (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Alejandro Manuel Garcia
Architecture (M.Arch.)
Sí se pudo

Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)

Cynthia Garcia
Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)
I love you ama! Carnalita estarás siempre en mi corazón, te extraño. I love you Jr & Alex! Crew<3

Education (M.A.)

Valeria Garcia
Education (M.A.)
"Siempre hay belleza en la lucha" Gracias a Dios y a mi familia. 2 Corinthians 9:8

Nursing (M.S.N.)
Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Maria Estela Gonzalez
Nursing (M.S.N.)
Health Administration (M.H.A.)
Thank you to my family for all your support; I am here because of you.

Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)

Ariana Lizette Gonzalez Topete
Chicana and Chicano Studies (M.A.)
My work is dedicated to my family: past, present and future. Gracias Frank Aviles!

Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)

Karen Granados-Dumais
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)
Thank you to my husband and my parents for helping me to get this far. I owe everything I am to them

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Andrea Guereque
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
"Si tus sueños no te asustan, no son lo suficientemente grandes"

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Dana Marie Howarth
Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the past 6.5 years in grad school.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Jeffrey Ryan Huminik
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Arriba Peru y Chimpum Callao

Counseling (M.A.)

Sabrina Rose Ibarra
Counseling (M.A.)
I would like to thank my fiancé for his constant and effortless support in everything I pursue.

Special Education (M.A.)

Adrian Jimenez
Special Education (M.A.)
I'm here today thanks to the support of my family, friends, coworkers, and my students.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Gloria Legarda
Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)

Mairany Legaspy
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)
Gracias a mis padres por sus sacrificos. Esto es para ustedes.

Nutrition (M.S.)

Ana E León
Nutrition (M.S.)
Una soñadora más probando que si se puede, quien dice “I’m next”?

Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.)

Joshua Enrique Lerma
Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.)
Thank you to my family in El Paso, Texas and special thanks to everyone at the UNM LGBTQ RC

Counseling (M.A.)

Michael Lovato
Counseling (M.A.)

Education (M.A.)

Sonia Aimé Loya-Girón
Education (M.A.)
Todos los soñadores, sigan luchando por lo que cada ser humanó merece en la vida. Thank You, family

Executive Masters of Business Administration (E.M.B.A.)

Charlotte Stevi Madueño
Executive Masters of Business Administration (E.M.B.A.)
Charlotte is a proud Northern New Mexican, Wife, Mother, daughter, & activist.

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Nicholas A Maestas
Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Mr. Maestas aims to support local communities through national policy and professional networks.

Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.)

C. Gabriela Marin-Villalobos
Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.)
Por sus abrazos besos y sonrisas continuas en días difíciles, gracias infinitas a mis hermosos hijos

Special Education (M.A.)

Angela Lee Martinez
Special Education (M.A.)

Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences (M.A.)

Zelma Crisitna Medina
Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences (M.A.)
Para mis padres que llegaron sin nada pero me lo dieron todo, gracias por todo

Economics (M.A.)

Ana Paula Milan
Economics (M.A.)
Si se pudo, si se puede y siempre se podrá. Nunca abandones tus sueños.

Education (M.A.)

Jacqueline Miranda Roldan
Education (M.A.)
Para las mujeres luchonas: mi madre y mis hijas que luchan y que siguén por luchar, Briana y Yamarí.

Special Education (M.A.)

Julianna Michelle Montoya
Special Education (M.A.)
Thx Ruth, Parents, Dylan, Rylan, & her team for their support. Ay mi amor! I'm only Un poco loco!

Counseling (M.A.)

Joselyn Muñoz
Counseling (M.A.)
Gracias a mi familia por todo el apoyo que me ha dado durante todos los años. Me gustaría dedicar es

Special Education (M.A.)

Paloma Nefthaly Munoz-Neri
Special Education (M.A.)
Quiero darle gracias a mi mamá, mi papá y mis hermanos que siempre me han apoyado. Los quiero mucho!

Education (M.A.)

Mireya Celeste Najera Martinez
Education (M.A.)
Mis logros son dedicados a mi esposo Erasmo y a mis padres Griselda y Jose. Gracias por su apoyo.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Ivan Olay
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Gracias fam. Joaquin y Max I luv U Things U may think aren’t possible are very possible. WaGuaWeeGua

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Marcelo Cristian Olguin
Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)

Juan Agustin Oliveros Ponce
Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)
Gracias a mi papa y a mi mama. Sin ellos esto nunca ubiera sido possible.

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Evelyn Giselle Olmos Ontiveros
Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Latin American Studies (M.A.)
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)

Helena Omaña Zapata
Latin American Studies (M.A.)
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)
Gracias mami por apoyarme y por todo el amor! Te quiero mucho!!

History (M.A.)

Eunice Breana Partida-Castillo
History (M.A.)
This degree is for the women in my life who have pushed me and supported me endlessly.

Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.S.)

Lauren Michelle Perez
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.S.)
Thank you to my family and loved ones for your support and encouragement. Tqm UNM 🤍

Chemical Engineering (M.S.)

Kevin Anthony Pohl
Chemical Engineering (M.S.)
Thank you to all my family and friends.

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Daniel Quintana
Architecture (M.Arch.)

Geography (M.S.)

Savannah Lorraine Quintana-Eddins
Geography (M.S.)
Thank you to the faculty who helped me along this journey and to my family who always supports me.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Judy Elvia Ramirez
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Dedico este titulo a mis padres que vinieron a este país para darnos un futuro lleno de oportunidade

Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)

Joselinn Karina Rascon
Cybersecurity and Business Analytics (M.S.)
Estoy llena de gratitud por la oportunidad de seguir mi maestría en ciberseguridad. Hoy marca el fin

Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Stephanie Resendiz
Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.)
Historic Preservation and Regionalism (GCERT)

Karina Aracely Rodgers Andrade
Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.)
Historic Preservation and Regionalism (GCERT)
I wouldn't be here without the endless support from my friends and family. Los quiero muchisimo!

Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Sarah Rose Rodriguez-Shotland
Health Administration (M.H.A.)
PresidenteFundadora NM Ch Nat'l Assoc Latino Healthcare Executives Gracias familia y comunidad

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Jocelyn Judith Ronquillo
Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Jocelyn wants to thank her husband, family, and her One Body Fellowship. Thank you for your words of

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Antoinette Elaine Sabedra
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
A first generation college graduate who hopes to set the bar high for her children & grandchildren

Special Education (M.A.)
Applied Behavior Analysis: Research-Based Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities Who Have Challenges (GCERT)

Julia Nicole Sanchez
Special Education (M.A.)
Applied Behavior Analysis: Research-Based Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities Who Have Challenges (GCERT)

Counseling (M.A.)

Arianda Saucedo
Counseling (M.A.)
Agradezco a mi familia por su apoyo incondicional. Este logro es tanto suyo como mío ¡Sí se pudo!

Project Management (M.S.)

Amanda Sena
Project Management (M.S.)
Thanks be to God, this is my second Masters degree. I have glass ceilings to break!

Education (M.A.)

Veronica Marie Silva
Education (M.A.)
Thank you Allie, mom, dad and Adam for always supporting me as a teacher and student. I love you.

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Tobias A Tafoya
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
"My motto was always to keep swinging." -Hank Aaron

Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

José Luis Tello Córdoba
Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Gracias a mis padres, a mi hermana y a mi esposa. Sin ellos no habría podido lograr este sueño.

Architecture (M.Arch.)

José Ángel Terrazas
Architecture (M.Arch.)
I made it

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Samantha Nicole Torres
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Thank you to my family for supporting all of my crazy ideas especially to my 2 boys and Ivan.

Law (J.D.)

Cheyenne M Trujillo
Law (J.D.)
For my Father and Grandpa who could not be here but I know have been with me like all my family.

Music (M.Mu.)

Eduardo Nestor Trujillo
Music (M.Mu.)
This graduation fills a lifetime goal that I wanted to achieve years ago. Better late than never!

Accounting (M.Acct.)

Jaqueline Alicet Valencia-Cortez
Accounting (M.Acct.)

Special Education (M.A.)
Applied Behavior Analysis: Research-Based Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities Who Have Challenges (GCERT)

Wendy Valenciano-Flores
Special Education (M.A.)
Applied Behavior Analysis: Research-Based Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities Who Have Challenges (GCERT)
No fue facil, pero lo logre!

Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)

Edith Vargas
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies (M.A.)

Dental Hygiene (M.S.)

Nora Judith Vences Ortiz
Dental Hygiene (M.S.)
Para mi familia!!! Lo hice mama!!!

Spanish (M.A.)

María Guadalupe Vielma
Spanish (M.A.)
Maria is a first-gen college graduate and will pursue her PhD in Education at CU Boulder

Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Garrett Manuel Vigil
Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Aim to always surpass your limits each and every day.

Public Health (M.P.H.)

Alba Nydia Villezcas
Public Health (M.P.H.)
¡Muchas gracias a mi familia por su apoyo!