Raza Stoling Ceremony

El Centro de la Raza has experienced and celebrated the graduation of our UNM students since its inception in 1969. To memorialize this day, in 1994, El Centro de la Raza began the tradition to celebrate graduates and their families. We recognize that graduating from any academic program is an effort in which the entire family partakes, and we celebrate everyone for the effort and the struggle that “getting an education” entails. For us, the El Centro staff, Raza Stoling Ceremony is a reaffirmation of our commitment to continue being there for all students, so when the time comes, we can all celebrate the dreams and hopes of our students and their families.

Raza Stoling Ceremony is not an alternative to UNM's general commencement, and/or any departmental celebration, but rather a personalized and cultural celebration. By achieving this accomplishment, we are honoring the efforts and the sacrifices that our ancestors experienced, so we could be where we are at today. The Mexican proverb says "con calma y nos amanecemos”, which means let's be calm and take our time because time will come anyway. So, whatever we do, we do it well so we can honor our gente, our history and our culture. Nema, poco a poco, as the ancient ones would advise us, to move forward with our vision of the future … nema, poco a poco. Congratulations to all of those who will be graduating and let's keep in mind that when this day comes podemos gritar a pulmón ¡Si Se Pudo!!!!

Re-Live 2023