Bachelor of Business Administration

Anna Maria Abeyta
Bachelor of Business Administration
What is coming is better than what is gone. Thank you to God, my family, and my friends!

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Yarely Gisel Acosta Aguirre
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Para mis padres, que llegaron sin nada y me dieron todo. Gracias por su sacrificio y apoyo. Los amo

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)

Angélica Marisa Alfaro Ramírez
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)
Muchísimas gracias a mi familia y amistades por tanto amor y apoyo. Los quiero mucho!!

Bachelor of Business Administration

Aspen Alexis Amador
Bachelor of Business Administration
I did it mom!

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Haydee Andujo
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Gracias a mis papas y am mi abuelito. Los quiero mucho.

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies

Gregory Christopher Aragon
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies
I began college, Fall 1988. 2024, I can finally call myself a graduate. And, It only took 34 years!

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Alejandro Aragonez
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Gracias a mis padres, quienes siempre han estado orgullosos de todo lo que hago.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)

Christina Andrea Arango
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)
celebrating the love and support that got me where i am today, thank u to my bestfriends and family

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Adamaris Arteaga Leon
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Only look back to see how far you've come.

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Alondra Azurdia
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Pies, para que los quiero si tengo alas para volar? Gracias papas y abuelos por darme mis alas.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Angel Jessie James Baca
Bachelor of Business Administration
College is really what you put into it !!

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Joseph Ernest Barela Jr
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Business Administration

Romulo Homar Barrientos Arellano
Bachelor of Business Administration

Certificate in Welding Technology Welding Technology (A.A.S.)

Lynette Helen Barton
Certificate in Welding Technology Welding Technology (AAS)

Bachelor of Arts in Geography
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Desirée Basail-Nicolaisen
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management

Saúl Bencomo
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
Doy gracias a dios y a la vida por la familia que tengo; de no ser por ellos, no estaría aquí.

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Sierra Lynne Bencomo
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Vivian Bencomo
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Esto es para mi familia! Los amo mucho!!

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Vianey Bernal
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Daisy Samantha Borunda Martinez
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3

Certificate in Pre-Health Scholars

Theodoria W Burns
Certificate in Pre-Health Scholars
Finishing my Advance EMT, was hard work, but I'm happy to reach a life long dream.

Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services

Edgar Manuel Cabrera
Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services

Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Iram David Camacho
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
UNM has taught me that in your path you are never denied, only redirected.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio

Manuela Alejandra Cardenas
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio
Gracias a mi familia y a mis amigos por su apoyo incondicional.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Kendra Rochelle Carmona-Oliva
Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Jacqueleen Sophia Carrillo
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Amaya Natsuko Castañeda
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Thank you mom, dad, my sisters, and Miguel for always being there for me and motivating me! I <3 you

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)

Brittany Ayleen Annisdeily Castañeda Flores
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)
No fue fácil, pero con dedicación, amor y apoyo de mi familia y amigos, lo logré!

Bachelor of Arts in Health, Medicine and Human Values
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Maxindy Castillejos Gomez
Bachelor of Arts in Health
Medicine and Human Values Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Queridos padres, quiero reconocer y agradecerles los sacrificios que han hecho por mí

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)

Miles Castillo Giron
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)
Gracias a mi familia por soportare en mi educación y por dando me este oportunidad, los amo mucho

Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education

Cesar Castillo Vega Ivan Castillo Vega
Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education
I am here today because of the sacrifices my mom has done for me. This degree is for my family.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Laysha Lineth Chaparro Bustillos
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Mil gracias a mi comunidad y familia que me han apoyado incondicionalmente!

Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education

Jennifer Chavarin
Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education
First-gen grad: Breaking barriers, paving paths, and creating legacies for generations to come.

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Thomas Ray Chavez
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Thomas Chavez
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
To my family and friends, your resilience leads me. Forever indebted.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Elizabeth Felice Chou
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me through life and academics!

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

Karen Dayana Contreras Hernandez
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
I love Colombia and I love the US, but I love more is that I finally graduated!!

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Kimberly Victoria Contreras-Olivas
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Jessica Nichole Cordero
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
todo fue posible gracias a mi familia

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Vanessa Coronado
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education

Justine Correa
Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education
Justine would like to thank her partner and children for their support, love, and patience!

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Esperanza Guadalupe Cruz
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Para mis papás que llegaron sin nada y me lo dieron todo y por mi angelito en el cielo.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Johenny Cruz
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Without God’s grace and the unconditional support from my parents, this wouldn’t have been possible.

Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education

Elvira Cuevas
Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education
Estoy agradecida con Dios por permitirme celebrar esté triunfo. ¡Sí se puede!

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Alexa Monique Davis
Bachelor of Science in Biology
I’m forever thankful for all the support from my husband, my family, and my friends!

Secondary Teacher Education (AA)

Ethan Riley Dempsey
Secondary Teacher Education (AA)

Bachelor of Business Administration

Emily Victoria Diaz
Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Digital Arts

Maya Xochitl Dominguez
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Digital Arts
I am beyond thankful for my friends and family throughout this journey! Te Amo!

Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education

Karina Dominguez Tarango
Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education
Mis padres vinieron a este país como soñadores, y yo vine a hacer su sueño una realidad.