Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Angelo Luis Ragland
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
I am thankful for my family who has been supporting me going through struggles.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Daniela Ramirez
Bachelor of Business Administration
Gracias a mi familia por siempre apoyarme y por darme la fuerzas a llegar a este momento.

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Brenda L Ramos Villanueva
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Gracias familia, amigos y mentores. Juntos sigamos demostrando que ni el cielo es el limite.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Camila Bahomy Renteria
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Gracias a mis padres por ayudarme hacer este sueño realidad.

Bachelor of Arts in Chicana and Chicano Studies

Diego Armando Rentería
Bachelor of Arts in Chicana and Chicano Studies
I would like to thank God, my family, and friends for all the support and love!

Bachelor of Business Administration

Nayeli Rose Resendiz-Romero
Bachelor of Business Administration
Nayeli would like to thank her family and friends who have supported her throughout this journey

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Eddie Reyes Ordonez
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design

Betzaida Y. Reyna
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design
Gracias mama por creer en mi, a mi esposo e hijo por su paciencia y apoyo. Los amo a todos!

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Carolina Diana Rios
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Nunca dejes que alguien diga que no puedes completar tus sueños. Demuéstraselos.

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies

Jonathan Rodriguez
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies
anyone can do it! Proud be 1st! Semper Fi!

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design

Hannah Alicia Rodriguez
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Kimberly Rodriguez Flores
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Estoy muy agradecida por este momento y emocionada por lo que sigue. A mi familia, los quiero mucho.

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Andrea Goretti Rodriguez Simental
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Estos cuatro anos han sido los mas difíciles pero no lo había logrado sin el apoyo de mis padres.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Cassandra Lynn Roger
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
No what life throws at you, always continue towards your goals!

Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Christel Romaine
Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies

Geronimo Kent Romero Campbell
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies
I am very thankful for my family and friends that I would not be here without.

Bachelor of Arts in History

Rafael Romero-Salas
Bachelor of Arts in History
Embrace the stress.

Bachelor of Arts in English Studies

Victoria Aseret Ruiz
Bachelor of Arts in English Studies
Todo lo de mí es por mi familia y para mi familia.

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Miguel Angel Ruiz Gurrola
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
Gracias a todos por apoyarme en mi carrera. Cree en ti mismo y lograras todas tus metas.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)

Melanie Ruíz Gutiérrez
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure B.S.N)
Este logro es para mis padres, que llegaron a este país sin nada y me lo dieron todo. Los amo.

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in History

Simón Ruybalid
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in History

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management

Dillon Ryan Sala
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
I look forward to celebrating my achievements and further pursing my education at graduate school.

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Katherin Jazmin Salazar Cervantes
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Biology
If it doesn’t kill you it’ll mutate and try again!! “Pero si se pudo”

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Marlene B Salinas
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
¿Porqué el tomate no toma café? Porque toma té!

Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services

Ashlynn Vanessa Sanchez
Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology

Jennifer Viviana Sanchez
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Mis padres cruzaron la frontera para otorgarme la oportunidad de cruzar este escenario. Los quiero!

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Daniela Sanchez Minet
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Bachelor of Arts in French
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Sebastian Jesus Sanchez-Carrera
Bachelor of Arts in French
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Si se pudo!! Si se pudo!!

Bachelor of Arts in History
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Dominix Xavier Sedillo
Bachelor of Arts in History
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Con voluntad hay un camino

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Natasha Somoza Manzanares
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
the deeper the roots, the stronger the values

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Yamil Shirley Sotelo
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
le quiero dar las gracias a mi familia y a los estudiantes imigrantes, nada es imposible.

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Tyler Tabor
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Querer es Poder. Es el valor para continuar lo que cuenta.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Savannah Avery Tapia
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
This journey serves as inspiration, showing that with determination and effort, anything is possible

Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Certificate in Race and Social Justice

Diego Tomas Tenorio
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Certificate in Race and Social Justice
I'd like to thank my parents and siblings for getting me here and providing the love and support I needed.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio

Melanie Elaine Tharnish
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio
I would like to thank my family and friends for always supporting my dreams! I love you all dearly!

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Alisia Torres
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Alyssa Gabrielle Torres
Bachelor of Science in Biology
I want to say thank you to my family while supporting me in my undergraduate career.

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Aram Isahid Torres
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bachelor of Science in Population Health

Paige Anastasia Torres
Bachelor of Science in Population Health
B.S. in Population Health with a minor in Psychology and honors certificate in Interdisciplinar Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Enzo Marcel Torres Fasanando
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Esto es para mis papás, mi hermanita Kyaro, y mi Mamamita. Los amo con todo mi corazón.

Bachelor of Arts in English Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Lizbeth Alexandra Torres Quiroz
Bachelor of Arts in English Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Grecia Daniela Tovar
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Esto es para mi futuro y para mis padres

Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education

Leslie Marlene Trejo Garcia
Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education
Gracias a Dios y a mi familia por todo el apoyo.

Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education

Karen Ivonne Trejo Rico
Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education
Le doy mil gracias a mi familia por dar mi esta oportunidad si se pudo

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Alexander Urias
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences

Kyra Urioste Cordova
Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences
I am honored and grateful to be the first in my family to graduate with a higher education.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

Maya Monica Valencia
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
College has been an amazing unique experience that has helped me become the person I am.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Dominique Valenciano Flores
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Esta va para mis padres, porque sin ellos no hubiera estabo aquí, los amo

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Alexandria Rebecca Van Why
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Alicia Elena Varoz
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Preserving and representing culture through academic excellence is something worth recognizing.

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Marissa Eufelia Vigil
Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies

Odalis Samantha Villagomez Maldonado
Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Antonio Christobal Villegas
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
We did it yall!

Bachelor of Arts in Health, Medicine and Human Values
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Helen Josefina Wagner-Plaza
Bachelor of Arts in Health, Medicine and Human Values
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
!Gracias a todos que me ayudaron lograr mis sueños!

Bachelor of Business Administration

Sammi Kaelynne-Hartup Williams
Bachelor of Business Administration

Construction Technology (AAS)

Nathan Williams Jr
Construction Technology (AAS)
"Nothing subsitutes hard work, and sucess requires a lot of hard work."

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bryan Elian Zubia-Ruiz
Bachelor of Science in Biology