Sociology (B.A.)

Laura Alma Leon
Sociology (B.A.)
Cuando me vean volar, recuerden que ustedes me pintaron las alas. ¡Gracias, padre y madre!

Environmental Science (B.S.)
Sociology (B.A.)

Anna Marissa Linn
Environmental Science (B.S.)
Sociology (B.A.)
Thank you to my family and Mother Earth for always giving me something to fight for

Civil Engineering (B.S.C.E.)

Jennifer Lopez
Civil Engineering (B.S.C.E.)
If there is not struggle there is no progress! All you need is beans, rice, and Jesus Christ!

Spanish (B.A.)

Alex Rose Lovato
Spanish (B.A.)
Thanks to my mom y mis abuelos. Su apoyo era indispensable. In the words of Elle Woods, "We did it!"

Journalism and Mass Communication (B.A.)

Annya Leticia Loya
Journalism and Mass Communication (B.A.)
Por mis padres estoy aquí, por mi hermano luché cuando me quería rendir y por mi mi meta cumplí.

Biology (B.S.)

Cindy Loya
Biology (B.S.)
Esto es para mi mami y papi

Criminology (B.A.)

Alexa Loya Carrillo
Criminology (B.A.)
Esto es parte del sueño americano, el sacrificio de todos los días. Estoy súper agradecida por el ap

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)

Madison Taylor Lund
Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)
Gracias a todos que me ayudaron llegar aquí, mi familia, mis amigos, y mis profesores

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Gabbie Inez Madero
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)
We did it mom

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Tonya Madrid
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Tonya Madrid is graduating with her bachelor’s degree in business administrations with a concentrati

Criminology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Diana Magallanes
Criminology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)
Gracias a mi familia y novio por apoyarme en todo momento, los amo.

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Moncerrat Guadalupe Marcial Martinez
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Mamá y papá, esto sólo es el comienzo. Gracias por todo, esto es para ustedes! Los amo♥️

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Faviola Marin
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Lo mejor esta por venir

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Erika Jailene Márquez
Nursing (B.S.N.)

Construction Engineering (B.S.Cn.E.)

Emma Guadalupe Marquez Palma
Construction Engineering (B.S.Cn.E.)
Quiero dar las gracias a mis padres por darme tanto apoyo en estos años que estaba en la universidad

Biochemistry (B.S.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Serena Marquez-Henderson
Biochemistry (B.S.)
Psychology (B.A.)
Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded.

Liberal Arts (B.A.)

Sandra Marleny Marroquin-Evans
Liberal Arts (B.A.)
Mi viaje academico a sido largo, de indocumentada a ciudadana, ahora a graduada. SI Se Puede!

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)

David Martinez
Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)
Muchas gracias Mama por todo tu amor y sacrificio.

Health, Medicine, and Human Values (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Lucía Elisiana Martinez
Health, Medicine, and Human Values (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)
"Será imposible... hasta que lo consigas"

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Michael Pioquinto Martinez
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to grow with such driven, talented, and diverse peers!

English Studies (B.A.)
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (B.A.)

Sierra Aspen Martinez
English Studies (B.A.)
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (B.A.)
Thank you to my family and friends for all the love and support!

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.S.)

Dora Elia Martinez-Meraz
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.S.)
Primeramente, le doy gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que me dio durante momentos difíciles y por

Biology (B.S.)

Ariel Paige Mcconnell
Biology (B.S.)
Thank you for these past four years. Catch me as your next New Mexico Dentist.

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Pedro Ismael Medina
Architecture (B.A.A.)
Muchas gracias por el apoyo y ayuda de mis padres Ismael y Sandy Medina

Construction Management (B.S.C.M.)

Servando Medina
Construction Management (B.S.C.M.)
Me puse las pilas

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Laura Leticia Medrano
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Nunca dejaré de luchar por lo que quiero hacer en la vida

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Valeria Alejandra Mejia
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)
Gracias a mis padres por siempre darme lo que necesito, siempre estan en mi lado.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Dominique Michelle Mendoza
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Sophia Athena Middaugh
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)
Thank you to my friends & family for being my patients and believing in me so I could be here today.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Dariana Miramontes
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Quiero agradecer a mi familia y mis amigos por apoyarme en las buenas y las malas, los amo

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Eliezer Arat Miramontes
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Muchas gracias a mis Padres y a todos que me apoyaron por estos años de mi vida. Los quiero

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Celeste Adriana Molero Callirgos
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Feliz de cumplir esta meta

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Mayra Yacquelina Monge
Architecture (B.A.A.)
Para mis padres cuando me vean volar recuerden que ustedes me pintaron las alas con su apoyo.

Family and Child Studies (B.S.)

Deborah Ann Montana
Family and Child Studies (B.S.)
I am grateful for my family and friends that have been supportive of me throughout this journey!

Communication (B.A.)

Timaris Annimica Montano
Communication (B.A.)
My 30 year trek is coming to an end. Thank you to all that help me with my goal.

Spanish (B.A.)

Monica Bryanna Montaño
Spanish (B.A.)
"If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire!" -St. Catherine of Siena

Biology (B.S.)

Oscar Montes
Biology (B.S.)
Trucha Con la Carucha- Abuelito, Ramon Mejia

Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)

Patricia Montes Leon
Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Citlalli Montes Rico
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Para mis padres, que llegaron sin nada y me lo dieron todo! Si se pudo!!

Community Health Education (B.S.)

Joilie Morales
Community Health Education (B.S.)

Biochemistry (B.S.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Zitlaly Maraleth Mota
Biochemistry (B.S.)
Spanish (B.A.)
¡Brilla! y al que le moleste, que se tape los ojos.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

April Mary Mullins
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
I started my college career in 2003 and will finally complete college after 20 years in 2023.

Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)

Alfredo Munoz
Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)

Speech and Hearing Sciences (B.A.)

Jordyn Alexzandra Munoz
Speech and Hearing Sciences (B.A.)

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.S.)

Hannah J Naljahih
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.S.)
My accomplishments are in honor of my dad who passed 3 months ago & God who pushed me through it all

Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)
Special Education (B.S.Ed.)

Itzel Olivas
Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)
Special Education (B.S.Ed.)
Todo lo que soy y espero algún día ser se lo debo a esos que creen en mi en especial tu mama

Biology (B.S.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Vanessa Olivera
Biology (B.S.)
Spanish (B.A.)
pa' tras ni para tomar impulso

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Adrienne Renee Ontiveros
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
My journey through UNM has been so memorable! The people & experiences are lifelong!

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Eliver Orozco
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Querer es poder, los limites los ponemos nosotros mismos, los sueños si se convierten en realidad!

Population Health (B.S.)

Arely Ortega
Population Health (B.S.)
Mil gracias por cada oportunidad y por creer en mí cuando no podía hacerlo por mí mismo

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Jasmine Ortiz
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Le Agradezco a mis Padres, Hermanos y Familia. Comparto este logro con ustedes. Los Amo.

Nursing (B.S.N.)
Nursing (A.S.)

Denise I Pacheco
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Nursing (A.S.)
Education is vital, what impact are you going to make with that education is up to you.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Isaiah Anthony Padilla
Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Special Education (B.S.Ed.)

Michael A. Padilla
Special Education (B.S.Ed.)
I would like to thank Edgar Hernandez for believing in me!

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Marrisa N Parras
Architecture (B.A.A.)
I am incredibly grateful for this achievement and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Angelica Aracely Peña-Parra
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.S.M.L.)

Jessica Michelle Perea
Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.S.M.L.)
Si se pudo

Political Science (B.A.)

Andres Felipe Perez
Political Science (B.A.)
Never settle for anything but your best.

Biology (B.S.)

Sofia Claire Perez
Biology (B.S.)
Thanks to my friends and family for your support, and congrats to everyone graduating this semester

Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Art Studio (B.A.)

Jhoana Antonieta Perez Lopez
Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Art Studio (B.A.)
First-Gen, non-traditional graduate. Earning degrees, beating statistic. Si se pudo!

American Studies (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Jessica J Perez Nery
American Studies (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)
Nunca dejes de luchar, soñar, solo tu te pones tus limites vuela alto. Arriba Durango.

Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)

Julian Alejandro Perez Ortiz
Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
Siempre para adelante, para atrás ni para tomar impulso

Political Science (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)

Karla Poblano-Rodriguez
Political Science (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)
Si no crecemos, nos pudrimos. Gracias por ayudarme a crecer.

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Dominique Marie Pohl
Nursing (B.S.N.)
I would like to thank my family and friends that have supported me through this journey

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Julia Natalie Quezada
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
First Gen Proud, Thank you SSS TRIO!

Biology (B.S.)

Flor Quintana
Biology (B.S.)