History (B.A.)

Francisco Luís Raby-Mondragon
History (B.A.)
practica hace al perfection

Biology (B.S.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Valentina Rae Rael
Biology (B.S.)
Psychology (B.A.)
I am a first generation college graduate. Graduating from college is one of my greatest achievement.

Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)

Araceli Giselle Ramirez
Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)
Being a first generation college student was hard, but I made it. gracias a mi madre y hermano

Music Education (B.M.E.)

Elijah Fernando Ramirez
Music Education (B.M.E.)
The Journey here has been full of Highs and Lows, but here we are finishing what once was a dream.

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)

Wilson Ramirez
Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Alyssa Mariah Ramos
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.)

Debrilla Marie Ratchford
Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.)
Ones destiny is not based upon chance but upon your choice.

Instructional Technology and Training (B.S.)

Javier Resendiz Jr.
Instructional Technology and Training (B.S.)
Para toda la gente que me ayudo, muchas gracias. Mi sueño estaba claro y por ustedes aprendí que lo

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Hallie Rae Reyes
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)
gracias a mi familia y a todos los que me han ayudado a tener éxito.

Portuguese (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Juliana Clara Reyes-Ordaz
Portuguese (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)
"Lifes a risk carnal, you think you a badass, pues caile, step into the ring and throw down."

Anthropology (B.A.)

Roberto Cristian Rios
Anthropology (B.A.)
Roberto would like to thank his family, friends, and faculty, who all supported his academic journey

Psychology (B.A.)

Arline Melisa Rivas
Psychology (B.A.)
Todos mis logros no son solo para mi sino para todos mis seres queridos!

Communication (B.A.)

Christine Lagrima Rivera
Communication (B.A.)
I am the first to pave the way into education in my family. Now, it's time to shine into my new path

Communication (B.A.)
English Studies (B.A.)

Alicia Rodriguez-Acosta
Communication (B.A.)
English Studies (B.A.)
Este logro mío también pertenece a mis papas que han trabajado más duro para mejorar nuestras vidas.

Biology (B.S.)

Martha Yelci Rodriguez-Torres
Biology (B.S.)
Yo soy poderosa, espectacular, soñadora, intrepida, mi misma, y lo soy con orgullo!

Exercise Science (B.S.)
Emergency Medical Services (B.S.)

Kyra Adrianna Romero
Exercise Science (B.S.)
Emergency Medical Services (B.S.)
Thank you to my family and friends for all the love and support throughout my journey.

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Lauren Ashley Romero
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Lorenzo Joseph Romero
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
I thank God and my family for always being there for me. I'm proud of myself for never giving up!

Chemistry (B.S.)

Monica Presiliana Romero
Chemistry (B.S.)
I am receiving my B.S. in chemistry with a minor is biology. I hope to go for my PhD next!

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Giselle Romero Venegas
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Para mis padres que me dieron todo! Esto es solo el comienzo y todavía viene lo bueno.

Community Health Education (B.S.)

Alex Romo
Community Health Education (B.S.)

Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)

Evelyn Romo
Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)
Lo soñé y lo logre!

Liberal Arts (B.A.)

Ishtar Viveka Rosario Medina
Liberal Arts (B.A.)
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today

Special Education (B.S.Ed.)

April Rubio
Special Education (B.S.Ed.)
Gracias a mi familia, quienes me han apoyado a lo largo de estos años. Los amo con todo el corazon!

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Annie Francesca Ruiz Venegas
Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Criminology (B.A.)

Marissa Danyelle Saiz
Criminology (B.A.)
Thank you to my family that has showed me so much support! Thank you for everything!

Biology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Melissa Salas Rubio
Biology (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)
Le doy las gracias a mis papas por siempre apoyarme a pesar de todo..

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Christopher Salazar
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
I want to applaud and congratulate the outstanding individuals in my cohort.

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Raquel Annayeli Salazar
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)
Gracias a mis padres por apoyarme siempre. Y gracias a mi hermanito por ser mi razón ser.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Giovonni Yasmine Saldivar
Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)

Dulce Jaqueline Saldivar Hernandez
Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Spanish (B.A.)
Por mis esfuerzos y sacrificios por mis padres mis hermanos y todos mis seres queridos! we did it!

Biochemistry (B.S.)

Andres Javier Salinas
Biochemistry (B.S.)
Kevin Spike Pohl made my experience memorable at the University of New Mexico.

Liberal Arts (B.A.)

Michelle Annette Salinas
Liberal Arts (B.A.)
Muchas gracias mama y papa. Los quiero mucho

Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)

Katrina Raye Sanchez
Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)
Gracias por todo su apoyo y bendiciones durante mis años de escuela. Los quiero mucho!

Instructional Technology and Training (B.S.)

Kristi Sanchez
Instructional Technology and Training (B.S.)
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Cesar Sanchez Guardado
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Para mi papa y para mi mama gracias esto es por ustedes. A mi hermano y hermanas gracias.

Civil Engineering (B.S.C.E.)

Ossiris Emmanuel Sanchez Rodriguez
Civil Engineering (B.S.C.E.)
¡Si se pudo! Muchas gracias a mi Ma por el apoyo y sacrificio, para que yo pueda lograr mi sueño.

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Andrea Santiago
Architecture (B.A.A.)
Lo que vale la pena, nunca será fácil

Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)

Tracy Garcia Scott
Elementary Education (B.S.Ed.)
Is teaching right for me? "You'll never know if you like something unless you try." My teen daughter

Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Political Science (B.A.)

Desiree Sunshine Sedillo
Chicana and Chicano Studies (B.A.)
Political Science (B.A.)
“If you have a dream, don’t let anybody take it away.” –Selena Quintanilla

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Jessica Solis
Architecture (B.A.A.)

Exercise Science (B.S.)

Ashley Raquel Soto
Exercise Science (B.S.)

Psychology (B.A.)

Liliana Guadalupe Spurgeon
Psychology (B.A.)
Tarda lo que tarda. Pero aun sigo dandole ganas.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Christopher Xavier Tapia
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
The Raza provided me with an immense amount of resources over my four years here, thank you!

Biology (B.S.)

Damaris Tarango Alvidrez
Biology (B.S.)
1st step done, P.A. school here I come!

Anthropology (B.A.)
Native American Studies (B.A.)

Travis Torres Thompson
Anthropology (B.A.)
Native American Studies (B.A.)

Psychology (B.A.)

Itzel Maria Trejo-Gonzales
Psychology (B.A.)
Este título está dedicado a mis padres gracias por su amor y sacrificio y por dármelo todo,los amo

Architecture (B.A.A.)

Rebecca Zenthia Tresise
Architecture (B.A.A.)
After 1,360 days, I will finally have my Bachelor's of Architecture! Hire me.

Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)

Alisha Breanna Turner
Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)
I’m so grateful and blessed to be graduating today. I can’t wait to see what the future holds :)

Communication (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)

Bheira Ugalde
Communication (B.A.)
Sociology (B.A.)
Mi esfuerzo se lo dedico a mi familia. Gracias por el a apoyo y empuje para lograr este triunfo.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Uriel Gerardo Urquijo
Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)

Julied De Los Angeles Urrieta Perez
Criminology (B.A.)
Psychology (B.A.)
My live my the motto, “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”

Exercise Science (B.S.)

Esperanza Makayla Varoz
Exercise Science (B.S.)
All glory and honor to God! A big thank you to my friends/family for the love and support!

Biochemistry (B.S.)

Alejandro Vazquez
Biochemistry (B.S.)

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Emiliano Velazquez
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
I have no idea what your saying no habló inglés.

Psychology (B.A.)

Adrian Veruete-Maya
Psychology (B.A.)
Fear of the Unknown. Let it drive you, let it teach you, but never let it hold you back.

Population Health (B.S.)

Jacob Johnson Villalobos
Population Health (B.S.)
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

Psychology (B.A.)
Nursing (B.S.N.)

Jessica Walker
Psychology (B.A.)
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Thank you to my family, friends and guardian angel who walked this journey with me and supported me

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Guadalupe Zarate
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Gracias a mi familia por los sacrificios que han hecho para darme un futuro mejor. Los quiero mucho.

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Nancy Zarate-Leyva
Nursing (B.S.N.)
Todo fue posible con el apoyo y amor de mi familia, amigos y Dios.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Stephany Josefina Zarate-Vazquez
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Quiero agradecer a mi mama y familia por su apoyo, los amo mucho. ¡Sí, se pudo!

Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.)

Jesús Alfonso Zavala Ortega
Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.)
Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.

Business Administration (B.B.A.)

José David Zuniga
Business Administration (B.B.A.)
¡Gracias a mi familia, los quiero mucho! No fue fácil pero logré